Binaries - Upgrading Your Node

f(x)Core Network Upgrades

For more information on past upgrades and instructions, refer to Upgrade Versions.

You may refer to this Countdown Timer which will countdown the time till the upgrade height.

Upgrade steps

  1. Ensure you have stopped the node❗

sudo systemctl stop fxcored

2. Get the latest fxcored binary

Pulling the latest fx-core code base (ensure that you are in the fx-core folder):

git pull

Checkout the branch of the upgrade version:

git checkout <upgradeable version branch>

for example:

git checkout release/v6.0.x


git checkout tags/v6.0.0

Update fxcored (ensure that you are in the fx-core folder):

make install

Cross reference the latest commit hash to the commit in our official github page:

fxcored version

3. Update config files

fxcored config update

4. Restart the node:

sudo systemctl restart fxcored

5. Check whether the node is participating in consensus:

cat $HOME/.fxcore/data/priv_validator_state.json

It should return something similar to the following:

You can cross reference the block "height" field with that of the FunctionX Explorer

  "height": "347450",
  "round": 0,
  "step": 3,

Last updated