v3.1.0 Upgrade Instructions

cosmovisor is a small process manager for Cosmos SDK application binaries that monitors the governance module for incoming chain upgrade proposals. If it sees a proposal that gets approved, cosmovisor can automatically download the new binary, stop the current binary, switch from the old binary to the new one, and finally restart the node with the new binary.

1. Setup Cosmovisor

Installing cosmovisor:

go install cosmossdk.io/tools/cosmovisor/cmd/cosmovisor@latest

Set up the Cosmovisor environment variables. We recommend setting these in your .profile so it is automatically set in every session.

echo "# Setup Cosmovisor" >> ~/.profile
echo "export DAEMON_NAME=fxcored" >> ~/.profile
echo "export DAEMON_HOME=$HOME/.fxcore" >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile

After this, you must make the necessary folders for cosmosvisor in your DAEMON_HOME directory (~/.fxcore) and copy over the current binary.

mkdir -p ~/.fxcore/cosmovisor
mkdir -p ~/.fxcore/cosmovisor/genesis/bin
mkdir -p ~/.fxcore/cosmovisor/upgrades/fxv3/bin

2. Download the fxcore release

Manually download the binary and extract it to folder:

git clone https://github.com/functionx/fx-core.git
git checkout release/v2.4.x
make build
cp ./build/bin/fxcored ~/.fxcore/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/
git checkout release/v3.1.x
make build
cp ./build/bin/fxcored ~/.fxcore/cosmovisor/upgrades/fxv3/bin/

To check that you did this correctly, ensure your versions of cosmovisor are the same:

cosmovisor version
cosmovisor version: devel-4846b9b49cbaac9da2c5df74391b9d30bfc4242e
app version: HEAD-cbba9a3bd29cfff6b9b1a7b8154922e8bc9027e8

The directory structure after correctly configuring cosmovisor should be like this

tree ~/.fxcore/cosmovisor
├── current -> /root/.fxcore/cosmovisor/genesis
├── genesis
│   ├── bin
│   │   └── fxcored
│   └── upgrade-info.json
└── upgrades
    └── fxv3
        └── bin
            └── fxcored

6 directories, 3 files

3. Start your node

To keep the process always running. If you're on linux, you can do this by creating a service.

sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/fxcorevisor.service > /dev/null <<EOF
Description=Fxcore Daemon

ExecStart=/root/go/bin/cosmovisor run start --home=/root/.fxcore



⚠️Before this, please make sure you have stopped fxcored and deleted the old fxcored.service file, if not, please execute the following command:

sudo systemctl stop fxcored
sudo rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/fxcored.service

Reload, enable and restart the node with daemon service file

sudo -S systemctl daemon-reload
sudo -S systemctl enable fxcorevisor
sudo -S systemctl restart fxcorevisor

Accessing logs

journalctl -u fxcorevisor -f

Last updated