EGF Info
FunctionX-EGF Repository
Current EGF Deposit Status
If the requested amount is < 100K, the "Initial Deposit" is 1k and the "Total Deposit" is also 1k.
If the requested amount is >= 100K, the "Initial Deposit" is 1k and the "Total Deposit" is 1k + 10% of total amount requested.
EGF Council
Zac Cheah Sub Council Member Zac is the CEO of Pundi X and contributes to Function X as a founding member and was Chair of a W3C Interest Group. He was an EU scholar in M.Sc Computing (Sweden KTH) and M.Sc Security (Norway NTNU). He was a national coding champion in high school.
FrenchXCore Sub Council Member FrenchXCore runs the FrenchXCore validator node on the FunctionX blockchain. Acting as innovation director in an important public entity in France, his past professional background is in telecommunications (wired and radio), networks, information systems, cyber projects and team management. He's personally very enthusiastic about blockchains and their applications in the real world, particularly as an automated trusted authority. He spends most of his free time programming cool stuff (Java, Python, assembler).
Rafal W (kenorb) Sub Council Member Rafal W is an IT professional specializing in web, cloud, trading and blockchain technologies. As a contractor, he worked for several projects for clients including PwC, CapGemini, UBS AG). Currently at R3 responsible for delivering, deploying and maintaining infrastructure for Corda, a decentralized database based on blockchain technology for enterprise clients across the globe.
Richard leads the blockchain DevOps at Pundi X. He is both a programmer and a quantitative trader. In Function X, he is active in the Ecosystem Genesis Fund technology grant selection panel. He graduated with a BA in Quantitative Finance from Singapore Management University and was Singapore's national swimmer.
Team Committee Voting
Instead of each comittee member having 5% of the network, the top 3 team validators will vote. This will reflect the composition of the network. In the future, as we become more decentralized, the team's voting power will decrease which is the eventual goal.
Last updated